Well here we go, after originally purchasing the general of the Empire model and not being too happy with it at all (I can't help but dislike how bulky he is) I decided to make my own from a Handgunner and a Pegasus (among a few other bits, including more to come!). The Pegasus was a bit of an on the spot purchase as I loved the model and then realised after that my General would gain the "can fly" ability with no extra cost! (Why not?!).
So without further ado, here he is!
I decided to go for the "over the top" heroic pose with this guy because why not? He's a bloody general!
Typical of my theme - lots of Sigmar scrolls!
Still a long way to go though, I'm wanting to add more laurels and make him stand out a bit more as a General should!
Another pro to the custom General - awesome beardiness, which was not found on the old General I had, a great improvement!