Thursday, 24 March 2016

A reworked general!

After umming and arring a while about my decision with the Empire General I have finally came to a decision to re-do him and have him seated, using the general from the "Karl Franz on Deathclaw" box and a bit of tweaking, I've finally got something I'm happy with!

And so we have him, he'll also be the first of my conversions for this army to see the good end of a paintbrush!

Although technically speaking, the lance isn't really too thematic for a Napoleonic General, I couldn't resist the bonus he receives from having a lance on the charge!

Overall I'm pretty pleased with the green / white / red scheme and I am definitely set on continuing this throughout the army very soon!

Have a bit of faith!

Apologies for the delay on the most recent update, life isn't being the kindest of patrons to my hobbying as of late but as in theme with this update, please keep a bit of faith as this update includes the one and only warrior priest... kind of!

In theme with the rest of the army, I've decided to model the warrior priest after a Russian Orthodox priest but still keep it Sigmary! 

So this is where I ended up, using parts froma Celestial hurricanum / greatswords / handgunners etc I decided to model him as if he were preaching as I couldn't really picture a Russian Orthodox Priest swinging a warhammer around too much!

Making use of as much Sigmar devoted items as possible!

With a hint of Karl Franz, too!

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Group shot!

After having a fair few of the models completed, I thought I'd get a small group shot of what I have so far, these all still require completing as I tend to dart around different models doing various bits to keep me interested rather than doing them by group, I'll be hopefully done modelling these guys in the next month (if I don't keep purchasing more) and then start painting them in the month to come!


So here's another small update for you guys, although I haven't done much to them (yet) here are some of the cavalry that I will be using, made from pistoliers, I'll be doing the usual chopping and greenstuffing / kitbashing to liven them up a tad!

As you can see, I have given them all a sword / sabre each along with their pistols (aesthetic reasons). I'll be adding on various bits and pieces to give them all an individual look soon enough!

Monday, 29 February 2016

The four Grenadiers!

Another small update, I've managed to spare some time away from various other worldly things to finish off four Grenadiers tonight, these guys are all ready for priming and paint now!

As you may be able to see from the pictures, these guys fully consist of; a hand gunner body, arms and handguns with smoothed and drilled out barrels, affixed bayonets, headswaps, greenstuffed sigmar scrolls, cuffs and (wrist and boot), tassels and feathers to caps and field backpacks including canteens and short sabre in scabbards!

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Small Grenadier progress!

Another hour or so has been spent on the grenadiers tonight, adding Epaullete's, tassels and Sigmar scrolls! I've still yet to finish those couple of bits and they all still need affixed bayonets too though!

As you can see, they are a lot more bulkier than the handgunners, I wanted to do this to ensure they show the extra bulk for their save characteristics whilst on the board!

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Arriving in style - The Empire General.

Well here we go, after originally purchasing the general of the Empire model and not being too happy with it at all (I can't help but dislike how bulky he is) I decided to make my own from a Handgunner and a Pegasus (among a few other bits, including more to come!). The Pegasus was a bit of an on the spot purchase as I loved the model and then realised after that my General would gain the "can fly" ability with no extra cost! (Why not?!).

So without further ado, here he is!

 I decided to go for the "over the top" heroic pose with this guy because why not? He's a bloody general!

Typical of my theme - lots of Sigmar scrolls!

Still a long way to go though, I'm wanting to add more laurels and make him stand out a bit more as a General should!

Another pro to the custom General - awesome beardiness, which was not found on the old General I had, a great improvement!