Grenadiers (State Troops)

I'd like to start this post off by apologising for the slow progress over the past few days, I've been itching to make some more progress on these guys and try something new, so here we are; Grenadiers!

I've decided to use these guys as a proxy for State Troops as a fully Handgunner army would be ridiculous and not very fun to play with or against! So thus these chaps have been spawned, part handgunner, part pistolier, tied together with all sorts of green stuff goodness! I decided to go for the "Old Guard" look with laurels and inscriptions (Sigmar scrolls) to keep them looking like Sigmar finatics (as they should be!), epaulletes and put them in a pose that differentiates them from handgunners as well as including an affixed bayonet!

As you can see I have (nearly) three completed and they now have their bayonets affixed to the side of the muskets and their head position has been altered!

I decided to bulk these guys out a bit as the bodies are just from Handgunners and considering they're a proxy for State Troops, I felt they needed to look a little less squishy!

Another small update, I've managed to spare some time away from various other worldly things to finish off four Grenadiers tonight, these guys are all ready for priming and paint now!

As you may be able to see from the pictures, these guys fully consist of; a hand gunner body, arms and handguns with smoothed and drilled out barrels, affixed bayonets, headswaps, greenstuffed sigmar scrolls, cuffs and (wrist and boot), tassels and feathers to caps and field backpacks including canteens and short sabre in scabbards!

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