So after realising how big of a project my little hobby is going to be I've decided to make a blog so I can look back on the progress I've made... but progress on what you ask? Well, here we go!
Recently I've managed to get myself sucked into Games Workshop's new project - Age of Sigmar, coming from the Hobbit SBG / 40k. It's all very different and very simple which is great for myself as I'm nothing more than a simple man anyway, but I digress.
I have a big thing for all things Napoleonic. The formations, weapons, tactics... like I said, all things! I mainly blame Sean Bean and his Portrayal of Richard Sharpe as I've always enjoyed this since I was too young to remember! As I got older I spent many hours playing Total War: Empire and Napoleon as well as The Napoleonic Wars Expansion for the good old Mount & Blade, it's all very much melted into the fiber of my being now, you only have to see my Steam profile picture.....
..... Obsessed!
So upon seeing the new WHFB *Cough*.... AoS, I instantly saw The Empire with their cannons, mortars, hand gunners.. etc etc as a perfect excuse to do what I've always wanted to... Create my own physical Napoleonic army. I know that there are many other modelling companies that make actual Napoleonic models and rule sets but they have very small communities and I'm sure as a very casual tabletop gamer, I wouldn't fare so well.
So I'll forget the dreams of large battles and stick to the smaller skirmishes of AoS, creating a Napoleonic-esk? army with influences from all over Europe as well as still sticking to the likeness of The Empire.
As stated in my first albeit small paragraph, this project is already underway and at the time of writing this I am way behind in posting progress so I won't bore you with insolent ramblings of my love of the era any longer and get right to it!
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